Terms of Use

FERPA Policy

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) sets forth requirements regarding the privacy of student education records. FERPA governs the release of these records maintained by an educational institution and access to these records. All users that have access to any student information must adhere to FERPA policy.

Privacy Policy

Personal information collected by this site is for official use only. This site contains links to third-party websites. This privacy policy does not apply to the linked sites, and we do not control, nor are we responsible for, the content or privacy and security practices of those sites. Any personal information you provide to a linked site is provided directly to a third party and is subject to such third party’s privacy policy. We encourage you to learn more about such third party’s privacy and security practices and policies before providing any of your personal information.

Copyright Policy

This site is owned by The Regents of the University of California and operated by UCLA Engineering.